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TWC Podcast #112: A Forest in my Car

TWC Podcast #112: A Forest in my Car

By The Watt Car Staff — March 30, 2023

First World problems strike one of our podcast hosts, with Level 2 charging suddenly proving problematic. Still, the show must go on — and this week, that involves a discussion about the freshly-released Kia EV9 specs and Germany attempting to sneak e-fuel exemptions into the European Union’s 2035 ICE ban. We also chat about how the potentially game-changing energy dense Amprius Technologies EV batteries are like growing a forest in your car, Winnebago is now an EV battery manufacturer, and more!

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Kia reveals EV9 specs:

Germany sneaks in “e-fuels” exemption from ICE ban by 2035: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/03/28/in-win-for-germany-eu-agrees-to-exempt-e-fuels-from-2035-ban-on-new-sales-of-combustion-en

International Council on Clean Transportation hits back against e-fuels: https://theicct.org/e-fuels-wont-save-the-internal-combustion-engine/

Amprius Technologies announces 500 Wh/kg battery: https://www.thewattcar.com/home/amprius-500-whkg-battery-tech-could-revolutionize-ev-market

Winnebago announces acquisition of Lithium-Ion battery company Lithionics: https://rvbusiness.com/winnebago-industries-announces-lithionics-battery-acquisition/

This week’s hosts: Phil Royle and Edward A. Sanchez
Episode cover image by Ozant Liuky
Music courtesy Twisterium at Pixabay
Email comments and questions to hello@thewattcar.com
Website: https://www.thewattcar.com

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